TO PLOT DIFFERENT TYPES OF THE FINITE SEQUENCE SIGNAL IN MATLAB: TYPES OF SEQUENCES We use several elementary sequences in digital signal processing for analysis purposes. Their definitions and MATLAB representations follow. 1. Unit sample sequence: In MATLAB the function zeros(1,N) generates a row vector of N zeros, which can be used to implement Ξ΄(n) over a finite interval. However, the logical relation n==0 is an elegant way of implementing Ξ΄(n). For example, to implement over the n1 β€n0 β€n2 interval, we will use the following MATLAB function used the following code to generate the delta function in the MATLAB. function [x,n] = impseq(n0,n1,n2) % Generates x(n) = delta(n-n0); n1 <= n <= n2 % ---------------------------------------------- % [x,n] = impseq(n0,n1,n2) % n = [n1:n2]; x = [(n-n0) == 0]; stem(n,x); 2. Unit step sequence: In MATLAB the function ones(1,N) generates a row vector of N ones. It can be used to generate u(n) over a finite interva...