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Showing posts from February, 2020

VHDL Fundamentals Rules

 Case Sensitivity of VHDL        VHDL is not case sensitive . This means that the two statements have the exact same meaning (donā€™t worry about what the statement actually means though). Keep in mind that VHDL case-sensitivity and not good VHDL coding practices. if you write like the shown in below are an example.  Ex.  Dout <= A and B; ##Correct representation.         doUt <= a AnD b; ##Incorrect representation.    2. White Space in VHDL              VHDL is not sensitive to white space (spaces and tabs) in the source document. Once again, shown in below is not an example of good VHDL coding style.An example showing VHDLā€™s indifference to white space.  Ex.  nQ <= In_a or In_b;           nQ <=in_a   OR    in_b; 3. Comments in VHDL              it is always be...

VHDL Introduction

VHDL has a rich and interesting history. But since knowing this history is probably not going to help you write better VHDL code, it will only be briefly mentioned here. Consulting other, lengthier texts or search engines will provide more information for those who are interested.  Regarding the  VHDL acronym,  the V is short for yet another acronym: VHSIC or Very High-Speed Integrated Circuit The HDL stands for Hardware Description Language Clearly, the state of technical affairs these days has done away with the need for nested acronyms. VHDL is a true computer language with the accompanying set of syntax and usage rules. But, as opposed to higher-level computer languages, VHDL is primarily used to describe hardware. The tendency for most people familiar with a higher-level computer language such as C or Java is to view VHDL as just another computer language. This is not altogether a bad approach if such a view facilitates the understanding and memoriz...

MATLAB Introduction

Hi friends, It is the first post for digital signal processing learns through MATLAB series. it is all about basic of MATLAB software and which toolbox that we used that I mentioned in below. MATLAB stands for MATrix LABoratory. It is one of the good technical computing environment for higher-level numeric computation and visualization of the data or computation of data results are needed. it is work on the matrix manipulation principle it integrates numerical analysis, signal processing and graphics in an easy to use without the traditional need of programming. MATLAB is allowed the user to write the entire algorithmic in terms if a few lines, to compute the required solution. so MATLAB is an interactive system whose basic data element is a matrix that does not require dimensioning. it also has featured a family of the application-specific solution is called toolboxes. It includes toolbox like signal processing, image processing,   control system design, neural ...


Hi Friends, Today here I announcements of new series of DSP learning through MATLAB software from beginning to advanced with free of course with me.                                      this is for those who are                             ENGINEERS LEARNER                                 COLLEGE LEARNER                               TECHNICAL HOBIYIEST         So please follow and subscribe to blog notifications.