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Showing posts from November, 2020

Half Adder And Full Adder in All Level Of Abstraction Verilog Code

Hello Dear Reader, Fig.1 Here given Fig.1 is one bit half adder in the lowest level of the abstration diagram is there as similarly we know their are two ways to designed one bit full adder either using two half adder and one or gate or designed using their separate boolean expression As shown in below Fig.2 and Fig.3. Fig.2     Fig.3 Here in below section i have provided verilog code at all the levels of the digital system design such as Behavioural Level, Data or RTL Level, Structural Level. Half-Adder: 1) Behavioural Level Verilog Code: module half_adder(a,b,c,s     );// behavioural model input a,b; output reg c,s; always@(a,b) begin if((a&&~b)||(~a&&b)) s=1; else s=0; if(a&&b) c=1; else c=0; end endmodule 2) RTL or Data Flow Level Verilog Code: module half_adder(a,b,c,s     );// Dataflow level model input a,b; output c,s; assign s=((a&&~b)||(~a&&b)); assign c=(a&&b);...