Hello Dear Reader, Here in this post, I will give an idea about how HLS(High-Level Synthesis) works. Here This kind of higher-level language to HDL conversion facility is provided by one of the famous software MATLAB. Here I have implemented a full-adder logic functionality to test the steps. So Let's see how it work. Steps: 1) Open MATLAB 2) Write a function that you want to convert to VHDL 3) Go to Apps and search for HDL Coder 4) Open HDL Coder and make a new project 5) Add MATLAB function file 6) Click on Workflow Advisor 7) Select Convert to fixed-point at build time because double operation is not suitable for FPGA 8) Define input types 9) Go to Fixed-point conversion and define Static Min and Static Max 10) Go to Data collection and Compute Derived Ranges 11) Select Code Generation Target 12) HDL Code Generation Select VHDL as an HDL format for RTL conversion. And the last step is to press the run menu which is ...