Hello Dear Readers, Today here in this series of Python, I will start with an introduction to depth scripts level experiment, so stay tuned currently, below, I will discuss an introduction to python and Why it's used in the EDA Platform For Big Data Analysis. The history of Python kicked off when Guido van Rossum, the founder of Python, started working on it in the late 1980s. Python is the successor of the ABC programming language. The first Python version was released back in 1991 and has only grown exponentially since then. It now has a vast community that releases the latest updates regularly. Guido van Rossum is the “ Benevolent Dictator for Life ”. This title was given to him by the Python community to honor him for his long-term commitment and dedication to the project and for being the project leader for such a long period. Python is a high-level interpreted programming language that is used throughout the world for general-purpose programming. It is an ...